And without Conscious Effort, Our Parenting Methods Can Create Conflict Instead of Connection.
The authoritarian way most of us have been taught to parent, creates conflict and frustration, endless power struggles and leaves us with broken and distant relationships with our children.
When we parent our children without making conscious and empowered decisions, we are destined to repeat painful patterns, no matter how badly we want it to be different.
Create a relationship with your children based on trust, connection and collaboration.
Experience peace, harmony and mutual understanding with your children.
Savor joy and balance in your family life. Parenting really can be fun and rewarding!
No matter what your relationship with your child(ren) looks like right now, there is hope.
Depending on where things are at, it can be hard to believe there is truly another way. But I promise you there is.
None of us start off as parents knowing what to do. We create plans, try to be the people we want to be and watch as our idealistic imaginings get run over by the reality of daily life and the immense pressures of caring for our kids.
"Elise is an excellent coach. She has such a kind, easy-going, non-judgmental way of being and speaking. I really feel like I can open up to her [...] I’ve really noticed an improvement in my relationship with my kids. I’m more patient and I've noticed far fewer power struggles."
-Mother of twin 4-year olds, Zurich
I became a parenting coach because I am passionate about the power and the beauty of the parent-child relationship.
In my early years of parenting, I had read piles of parenting books and spent countless hours online reading parenting advice. Yet, I still felt like I didn’t know what I was doing. I saw the parents around me struggling in the same way and I knew there must be a better way!
With parent coaching, I found an approach that actually enables me to make the changes that I knew were important. Coaching combines evidence-based theory with self-exploration and practical tools. Most importantly, it provides much-needed compassionate support to parents.
Why “Silver Coast” parenting?
I moved to Switzerland from Canada over 10 years ago and now live on the West shore of lake Zurich in Switzerland, colloquially known as the Silver Coast. The Silver Coast has become my adoptive home and there is so much that I love about it. Yet, being so far from my original home has its challenges. Through parent coaching, I support parents that feel alone and isolated in their situations.
They make you feel like you’re not doing a good job.
But that’s not the truth. I believe that the real issue is that we’re not taught how to be the kind of parents most of us long to be so we end up slipping into old patterns or getting overwhelmed by conflicting advice that feels impossible to implement.
Which is why when you contact me, you will be met with understanding, a non-judgemental openness and a supportive, personalized, effective plan that I will personally guide you through every step of the way.
When you book a call with me, we’ll sit down together and talk so I can get a sense of what’s going on for you and your family and where I can offer support.
I’ll explain my approach and the options we have for working together. You can ask any questions you have and see what type of support would be the best fit for your life and schedule.
If it feels right to you, we can book our first session and get started. If it’s not a good fit, I will do my best to offer alternative resources or suggestions for support, wherever possible. There’s no pressure of any kind, simply an opportunity to see if we are a good fit to work together.
So that you can stop blaming yourself.
And instead take the first step towards becoming the kind of parent you know you can be.